Emotional And Physical Effects of Fast Food on a Female

Emotional And Physical Effects of Fast Food on a Female

The fast food industry is rapidly growing due to the appeal of quick, flavourful and affordable meal options. Many women find themselves relying on fast food because of intense cravings, tight schedules and budget constraints. While there may not be any negative effects to occasionally eating fast food — prolonged trips to grab a cheeseburger and fries may have an effect on you emotionally and physically.

Pre-menstrual Syndrome

One thing that many fast-food restaurants offer is sweet treats. Sundaes, malts, shakes, ice cream and desserts are found at almost every fast food restaurant. Womenshealth.org notes that some women may experience food cravings before their period or during PMS. This condition is referred to as premenstrual dysphonic disorder. This disorder includes an array of symptoms including binge eating or an intense craving for sweets, including chocolate.
You may also crave salty foods, or foods that are high in fat. A quick fix for these cravings is heading to your favourite fast food ice cream shop to indulge and satisfy your sweet tooth. PMS may also cause feelings of sadness and depression. Some women may find comfort in fast food for the taste factor and that it is always readily and cheaply available.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 35.3 percent of obese adults in the U.S. are women. Eating fast food regularly can lead to obesity. Most fast food is laden with fat and calories. The American Diabetes Association reports that the average meal at a fast food restaurant tops off at around 1,000 calories. The reason for this is because most food is prepared and deep fried in oil, therefore making it more fattening. Examples of popular fast food menu items include deep-fried French fries, onion rings, hamburgers, fried chicken sandwiches, chicken nuggets and cola products.

MSG Effects

Some fast foods are prepared with monosodium glutamate. MSG is a type of food additive in many seasonings and ingredients in fast food. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explains that recent studies show that foods laden with MSG can lead to weight gain. Because of the taste enhancement, many women find themselves going back to their favorite foods time and time again because of the taste and texture. In some cases, MSG can cause troubling symptoms in sensitive individuals. Symptoms may include headache, heart palpitations, stomach discomfort and gastrointestinal distress.

Eating Disorders

In some cases, fast food can be associated with an eating disorder, in particular someone with bulimia or someone who binge eats. Fast food offers a quick and private way to purchase large amounts of food and eat privately — while ingesting several thousand calories at a time. Binge eating may be associated with fast food because of the taste and convenience. Most fast food restaurants offer a variety of menu options that can easily be bought in large amounts and provide fulfilment for someone binging. Any type of eating disorder is dangerous and you should seek medical help if you feel you have a problem or addiction with food.

COURTESY: livestrong.com

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